Photographer and videographer services in Barcelona

Discover our various types of high-quality photo and video services.


We are passionate visual storytellers based in Barcelona, ready to bring your dreams to life on video.
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Our corporate photography skills provide you with striking images for your communications and events.
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Food & Hotel

Enhance your restaurant or hotel with professional photos and videos in Barcelona.
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Yachts and Cruises

Enhance your special place with professional photos and videos for yachts and cruises.
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Whether alone, as a couple or with the family, we turn moments into memories in Barcelona's most beautiful spots.
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We specialize in capturing your wedding proposal, freezing the moment with unforgettable images.
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From exchanged vows to tears of joy, we create timeless memories, turning your special day into photos and videos.
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Custom photographer videographer

Contact us for your customized projects in Barcelona or anywhere in the world.
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They share their experience with Keig Studio​

With Keig Studio, photographer and videographer in Barcelona, become the creator of your story.

We support you throughout your personal or professional project. Our expertise? Creating unique memories and enhancing your business, products, and services.

A photo and video project in Barcelona?​

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🎉 Enjoy 10% off your first photo/video project! Don’t miss this opportunity! 📸🎬 *see terms*

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